Saturday, April 5, 2008


I had heard of wikis before, but didn't completely understand the concept, so I was really interested in this module.
I think the most relevant point for me, having worked through the different sites, was the one made by Meredith Farkas on the site
to ensure that a wiki is really the most appropriate type of software for the purpose.
I have a lecturer who is interested in setting up an interactive journal club for her students, and we have been talking about the possibility of a wiki, which I now think would be really useful.
I think we could certainly look at the idea of a wiki for the Info Services Team, to keep each other up to date on assignments that we're helping with, databases issues etc.
Perhaps its time we looked at inquiring if the Uni has purchased a sitewide wiki licence, and how we go about that if it hasn't happened yet.
Using a wiki for our subject pages is also something I think would be possible.

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