Thursday, December 20, 2007


Wow, how easy is Flickr to use. The hardest part was getting accustomed to the Library's camera.
I wish I'd thought of documenting the changes to the CRC earlier.
You can find me on Flickr under
juliemundytayor (how original huh?)

Author blogs

I've been looking at some RSS feeds that I subscribe to through Google Reader and came across this gem.
This is a really interesting podcast from the ABC's Bookshow about
authors and their blogs.

It's amazing how fast the Web 2.0 technology is being adopted for new uses, seemingly on a daily basis.


Authors blogs

I've bben having a look at some podcasts I get through Goggle Reader and came across a few gems.
This is a really interesting podcast from the ABC's Bookshow about
authors and their blogs.

It seemed appropriate for our Library 2.0 project.
The uses of Web 2.0 technology are just expanding seemingly on a daily basis.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Jessica about to go into her 6th Class formal - "The best night of my life so far."

I may be biased, but I think she looks gorgeous.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Habits of lifelong learners

Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

This was a really useful podcast, and one I’ll revisit.
I jotted down some notes as I watched it.
1. Goals – I sometimes have them, but it would probably more productive if I made a point of always writing them down.
2. Responsibility for own learning – always feel this. It’s good to take pride in your accomlishments.
3. See problems as challenges – I try to always do this, but when faced with time constraints, it’s sometimes the case that you just see problems as a pain in the you-know-what.
4. Have confidence in myself as a learner – always, even if I don’t grasp something immediately. I’m a stubborn person, so persevere.
5. Learning – I didn’t realise that I had one, but can see that I do.
6. Feel comfortable with technology. I love it!!! The trouble is, it can become addictive.
7. Teach and mentor others – I try to do this as often as possible. Knowledge is only knowledge when it’s shared.
7 ½. Play – as often as possible.